Anywhere mutually agreed between you and your opponents
Anytime mutually agreeable between opponents.
How many matches will we play?
This will obviously depend on entries but we will aim to give you 5 to 6 matches in a 10-12 week period.
There will not be more fixtures than an average of 1 per fortnight.
NOTHING! Except commitment and normal fees for your court.
What level will the matches be?
Equivalent to Bullpadel Categories 3,4,5 and 6
Each league will be grouped so players are of the same standard to initiate the league, after the first session pairs will be demoted ot promoted to find their natural level.
The league is aimed at ALL players ranging from lower intermediates right up to advanced players. If you find yourself in the wrong level you should quickly get to the right league. The more players your encourage to join the better matches you will have.