Where can we play?
Anywhere mutually agreed between you and your opponents
When do we play?
Anytime mutually agreeable between opponents. 
How many matches will we play?
This will obviously depend on entries but we will aim to give you 5 to 6 matches in a 10-12 week period. 

There will not be more fixtures than an average of 1 per fortnight. 
What does it cost?
NOTHING! Except commitment and normal fees for your court. 
What level will the matches be?
Equivalent to Bullpadel Categories 3,4,5 and 6
Each league will be grouped so players are of the same standard to initiate the league, after the first session pairs will be demoted ot promoted to find their natural level. 

The league is aimed at ALL players ranging from lower intermediates right up to advanced players. If you find yourself in the wrong level you should quickly get to the right league. The more players your encourage to join the better matches you will have. 
Who arranges the matches?
You will be responsible for arranging half of your fixtures. The frequency will be around 1 match every 2 weeks, however if you are away then you can group your matches together as long as this is acceptable to your opponents. Best practice is to get some mutual agreement with your opponents at the start of the session even if you plan to play nearer the end date. IF YOUR AVAILABILITY IS RESTRICTED you should make contact with all your opponents to ensure you fulfill your matches during the session. 
Can I enter without a partner?
Yes, message me and I will do my best to pair you with someone but ideally you should find your own partner and someone you are happy to play and travel with. The league is intended to be not only competitive but a nice social outing as well. 
When can I enter?
Before 29th January 2025 (Women's) or 24th Feb (Men's) to be included the first session. 

Once you have entered it will be assumed that you will continue in the next session but you can withdraw from the next session at the end of the league. 
What if we have a problem with a fixture?
Please try to be flexible, some players will have work commitments or not be in the area for the whole league period. If you genuinely can't find a time to play the fixture please contact me and I will make a decision on the outcome of the match. 
That you don't like playing in the evening or weekend should you be playing a pair who have work commitments will not be an acceptable reason not to play. 
What happens if it rains?
If you need to reschedule then just reschedule. If it rains during the match use your common sense, was a result almost reached or do you need to replay in which case you would restart the match where you left off (full games only apply)
Can I play with more than one partner?
No. But once a session is over you may switch partner. 
If a player is injured at the start of the session and is unable to play the rest of your fixtures you may substitute the player after consultation and approval by admin. 
So? why should we enter?
To declare yourselves the best pair in the whole area!
To challenge yourselves with difficult matches!
To meet new padel opponents!
OH! and to have fun and meet new padel friends. 
don't forget you can always stay for a drink after the match. Winner buys? you decide. 
Who can play?
ANY players, it is also open to players who live outside the area but visit frequently. If that is your situation please take responsibilty to arrange your games promptly and not assume your opponents will be able to play when you are available. 

How are matches scored?
Best of 3 sets, deuce and tie breaks. ​
League score 
1 point for playing
1 point for each set won
2 points for a win
1 bonus point for winning 2-0

2-0 win equates to 6-1
2-1 win equates to 5-2
w/o equates to 6-0

please send the actual match result eg 6/4 4/6 7/6
If you cannot complete the match within 1.5 hours please send the result at end of play.